The Vibe


Sutter Larkin is all about relationships; the awesome ones that rock our souls. It’s about knowing the person who makes your clothes and the creative details behind her art. It’s about knowing yourself and being fearless in celebrating your individuality. And it’s about our kinship with the Earth and how we tend to it. Because having connections to what surrounds us is the gateway to joy, happiness and a healthy planet.

Intimate relationships necessitate quality over quantity, therefore Sutter Larkin collections are not accessible every day. They are available when I know my work is complete and the timing is right. Instead of traditional seasons, collections are released just like art exhibits. Each collection has a theme that is inspired by the Earth’s magic. The emotions stirred from that magic are entwined within the creative process, resulting in each piece having its own personality. You may not have a deep connection with each and every one, but when you find your match your heart will tell you. These works of art are exclusive to the show of which they are a part of, and each show runs for a limited time.

It is with full intentions that my process, from start to finish, doesn’t harm people, animals or this planet. My process doesn’t even have a carbon footprint because I only reuse materials that were once owned by someone who no longer needs them. I see their potential and bring that spark to life. I work with my hands, promising that Sutter Larkin is 100% sweatshop free. This creative process also ensures that my work cannot be replicated. The TLC I put into each one keeps them around for a long-time, for a long-lasting relationship. For scraps, I have a system that gives them a new purposeful life and out of the landfill. This mindful process is what the planet needs and by supporting it, you are part of the solution – a very fashionable part.